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we are

the nu chapter of

alpha phi gamma national sorority, inc.

at north carolina state university

hardcore since '94

Alpha Phi Gamma is an Asian interest, but not Asian exclusive, sorority established on February 1st, 1994 at California State Polytechnic University Pomona. Seven women founded the sorority: Allex Choi, Candy Cunanan, Christine Nguyen, Sandie Rillera, Kolleen Kim, Grace Hsieh and Jennifer Oku. These Sisters wanted to bring together all women of different nationalities through the bonds of friendship and sisterhood.

our chapter

On June 14th, 2015, our chapter was established at North Carolina State University by our 11 charters, known as the Charter "Crown" Royal Class. On June 24, 2017, Alpha Phi Gamma at North Carolina State University became recognized as the Nu Chapter.


Since our establishment, we have grown to have 105 sisters in our chapter and counting!


our philanthropy

Alpha Phi Gamma is committed to bettering our communities! Our official philanthropy is the Fight Against Violence Towards Women. We are also part of the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV). 


Every year, we host APhiG Speaks, a philanthropy campaign that raises awareness about domestic and interpersonal violence.

check us out on social media!


Pictures from past events, reveals, formals, sisterhoods, and more!

Our sisters

Meet the sisters of Nu Chapter and learn some fun facts about us!


Past recruitment themes and updates about our recruitment!

contact us

Ask us questions or give us feedback on future events we host on campus!

© 2020 by Alpha Phi Gamma Sorority, Inc. || Nu Chapter

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