About nu chapter

Determined to open up more opportunities within the community, a group of ladies came together on the campus of North Carolina State University to make a change. With the support of the community and the University, the Interest Group was established on February 4, 2013, as BLISS: Building Leaders of Integrity, Service and Sisterhood. On June 14, 2015, eleven ladies were inducted into Alpha Phi Gamma as the Charter "Crown Royal" Class. On June 24, 2017, Alpha Phi Gamma at North Carolina State University became recognized as the Nu Chapter.
Alpha Phi Gamma at North Carolina State University strives to promote Asian Awareness to the University and bring cultural diversity to surrounding communities. Our Sisters believe in academic excellence, personal development, service, leadership and integrity. We hope to set a firm foundation of the bonds that can be formed through becoming a Sister of Alpha Phi Gamma.
Third Place in Battle of the Sisters (BOTS) at National Conference 2019
Achieved Chapter Status in 2017
APhiG All Star Award 2017
Standards of Excellence: Outstanding Council Involvement 2016-2017
Standards of Excellence: Outstanding Financial Management 2016-2017
Standards of Excellence: Outstanding Campus Leadership and Involvement 2015-2016
history of alpha phi gamma

Alpha Phi Gamma emerged in the Fall of 1993 and became a reality on February 1, 1994, as the first Asian American Interest Sorority on the campus of California State Polytechnic University, Pomona. The Founders were Allex Choi, Candy Cunanan, Christine Nguyen, Sandie Rillera, Kolleen Kim, Grace Hsieh and Jennifer Oku. These Sisters wanted to bring together all women of different nationalities through the bonds of friendship and sisterhood.
our elements
and Creme

Panda Bear